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Call of Duty Pravila

1. Splošna pravila
Ko enkrat RUP-ate (Ready Up – F) sprejmete velik del pravil razen posebej omenjenih.
1.1 Ekipa in igralci
– Ekipa mora imeti v svoji postavi vsaj 5 igralcev (od teh vsaj 4-je Slovenci) in maksimalno 8 preden se lahko prijavi v ligo. Vodja ekipe je odgovoren za dejanja svojih igralcev in mora biti prepričan, da so igralci seznanjeni z pravili in jih dosledno upoštevajo.
– Ekipi je dovoljena ena zamenjava na tekmo in to le pred njo, v polčasu ali v »timeoutu«. Ekipe imajo pravice do enega na polčas, ki traja 5 minut.
– Med ligo imajo ekipe pravico dodati igralca, a le takega, ki ne igra (oz. ni bil zamenjava za katerokoli drugo ekipo) v ligi. Skozi celotno sezono je dovoljena le ena zamenjava.
– Niti opazovalcem niti managerjem niti nikomur drugemu ni dovoljeno opazovati tekem ene ali druge ekipe. Shoutcastanje se lahko pojavi, če se obe ekipi strinjata.
– Igralci, ki so dodani ekipi morajo pred igranjem počakati na potrditev na spletni strani kar traja maksimalno 2 dneva. Šele ko je igralec potrjen lahko igra za določeno ekipo. Z RUP-om sprejmete vse igralce, ki so na serverju. Če ekipa najde neustreznega igralca preden RUP-ajo mora druga ekipa najti drugega igralca v njihovi postavi ali igrati tekmo 4v5.

2. Goljufanje
Spid.si je proti vsem vrstam goljufanja, torej ne bomo dovoljevali:
– Kakršnihkoli programov, ki spremenijo igro od izvirne verzije. Uporaba kakršnihkoli datotek ali programov med tekmo bo povzročila odstranitev ekipe iz lige. Povzročitelju prekrška bo prepovedana udeležba na naših tekmovanjih v prihodnosti in igralca bomo prijavili ustreznim organom. Dovoljeni so programi za glasovno sporazumevanje.
– uporabljanje hroščev ni dovoljeno in se bo odražala v predani rundi. Tako ni dovoljeno »self-speccanje«, uporaba bug-a v Backlotu pod B stopnicami kjer lahko vidimo skozi teksture (in vsemi podobnimi), ni dovoljena uporaba »dvigal«,… Bounci so dovoljeni kot tudi jumpi in boostanje, a le v primeru ko drugemu igralcu ali sebi ne ustrelimo/poškodujemo.
– Uporaba »freelancerjev« ni dovoljena. GUIDe morate pri prijavi poslati in le ti morajo biti uporabljani tekom celotne lige. Obe ekipi imata pravico zahtevanja zmage, če GUIDi niso enaki kot v prijavi, kot dokaz pa lahko uporabite izključno screenshot. Ko obe ekipi RUP-ata se strinjata z igralci proti katerim igrata, a če pride na server zamenjava in je »freelancer« ekipa izgubi tekmo 1-0.
– GUID-i morajo biti poslani z zadnjimi 8 številkami vašega GUID-a
– GUID-a ne morete spremeniti manj kot 24 ur pred tekmo. Če ga, je igralec smatran kot »freelancer«
– Če se pojavi kakršenkoli sum na goljufanje mora igralec v roku 48 ur uploadati demo in ga poslati adminom.
– Prepovedana je uporaba kakršnihkoli VSTR-jev, skript in konfiguracij, ki dajo igralcem prednost, ki je drugi nimajo.

3. Nastavitve serverja in komande
– Liga bo uporabljala Promod Live 2.11 z normalnim match settingom (/rcon promod_mode match_mr12)
– Serverji morajo biti streamani na GV. Če RUP-ate se strinjate z nastavitvami serverja.

4. Tekma
4.1. Pred tekmo
– Knife na serverju:
Ekipa, ki izgubi prva izbere svojo mapo
Zmagovalna ekipa izbere svojo mapo
Ekipa, ki izgubi izloči eno mapo
Zmagovalna ekipa izloči eno mapo
Preostala mapa je 3., ki se igra, če vsaka ekipa zmaga po eno mapo.
4.2. Med tekmo
– Ko sta ekipi pripravljeni priporočamo, da samo en član ekipe uporablja globalen način pisanja. Pogovarjanje ni prepovedano, a spamanje z »bindi« in osebne žalitve ter rasizem so. Te kršitve bomo kaznovali ali z izgubljenimi rundami ali celo z predajo tekme.
4.3. Po tekmi
– Če so kakršnikoli problemi jih mora predstavnik ekipe javiti adminu.

5. Kontaktiranje nasprotnikov
– Ekipe načeloma morajo biti prisotne na #spid.si QuakeNet kanalu, kjer se organizirajo tekme, dovoljeno je pa tudi dogovarjanje preko Xfire.


[spoiler intro=”CoD4″ title=”English Rules”]

1. Admins
Decisions made by the admins are not disputable.

2. General rules and regulations
2.1 The software used is Call of Duty 4
2.2 It is a 5 (five) player team tournament.
2.3 Each team must present 1 (one) representative. He/she is responsible for his/her team and will be responsible of all communication with the admin and referees.
2.4 Each team member must use the exact same team abbreviation (clan tag).
2.5 Each team member must use their normal nickname.
2.6 Each team member attending the tournament must have read and accepted these regulations. Ignoring it can’t be a reason put forward in case of an issue.

3. Rules
3.1 the tournament will be played with the Promod ruleset. The version of the software will be Promod Live v2.11 (or the latest one).
• 2 smg limit
• 1 sniper limit with AWP fix
• 1 shotgun limit
• No lmg
• 5 second bomb plant time
• 7 second bomb defuse time
• 45 seconds bomb timer
• 1:45 minute round time
3.2 Each group stage match will consist of one map. Map selection will be made on a “Selection by elimination” system, which we call “Veto”. Prior to each group match the team captain of the facing teams meets up with one of the admins. A coin toss is made, loser gets to remove a map first from the map list, then the other team removes a map etc. until one map is left – that map will be played.

4. Veto
1) Coin toss
2) Loser of coin toss removes a map
3) Winner of coin toss removes a map
4) Loser of coin toss removes a map
5) Winner of coin toss removes a map
6) Remaining map is played
It is not allowed to remove the same maps in two following matches. E.g. Team 1 removes map A + B in first match. In second match Team 1 is only allowed to remove map A or B + another map. In Third match Team 1 is once more allowed to remove map A + B.

5. Map pool

6. Match and warm up
6.1 Every match has 15 minutes of warm up time followed by 45 minutes of match time. The warm up time can be used to warm up ingame or to install config files and drivers. No player will be granted more time than the 15 minutes set aside for preparation.
6.2 The winner of a knife round selects sides.
6.3 All matches are played using lan_MR12 (Max Round 12).
6.4 Each team has 1 (one) timeout per side
6.5 Tactical time outs are allowed, but will replace a technical timeout (e.g. a player crashes, drops etc.)
6.6 A timeout is a total of 5 (five) minutes.

7. Computer and player failures
Players are responsible for any software or hardware that is not installed/provided by Spid.si

8. Server, network or electrical failure
8.1 If server, network or electrical failure occurs the match is to be resumed and each team keeps the amount of points they had won.
8.2 A failure happening during the first round leads to restart of the entire match.
8.3 A player or team causing intentional failures are banned from the match (e.g. deliberate restart of the PC, deliberate disconnecting from the game etc.)

9. Fair-play
9.1 It is forbidden to insult, abuse or manhandle a player or an admin, or do damage to others property.
9.2 It is forbidden to do damage the property and partners of Spid.si.
9.3 The notion of fair-play is up to the referee’s assessment.
9.4 Lack of fair play can lead to penalties.
In order to secure a pleasant course of game, we encourage all players to show a sportsmanlike and fair conduct.

10. Penalties and disqualification
10.1 If rules are broken, admins can in unison with the tournament admin apply penalties according to their judgement.
10.2 Penalties that can be applied are the following;
– warning
– 3 round loss or more
– default loss
– banning a player/team from the tournament
– disqualification of a player/team from the entire tournament
10.3 Disqualifications are applied by the tournament admin and the event manager of SPID in unison. It will void all rights for the entire team to participate further in the tournament, and also to use the facilities provided by Spid.si.

11. Point system group play
3 points for a win
1 point for a tie
0 points for a loss
11.1 Rounds counts as “goal score” for and against
11.2 No show = 7 rounds to the winner and 0 rounds to the loser

12. Equality of points after the group matches
If two or more teams are equal on points on completion of the group matches, the following criteria are applied to determine the rankings.
a) Higher number of points obtained in the group matches played amongst the teams in question.
b) Superior round difference from the group matches played amongst the teams in question.
c) Higher number of rounds scored in the group matches played amongst the teams in question.
d) Drawing of lots

13. Match overtime
There is no overtime in group play, which means matches can be drawn. In playoffs and second group stage MR3 will be used on the same map in the case of a tie.

14. Reporting the result
All results must be reported to the respective admin in charge right after the match. All teams must be able to provide screenshots of the score.

15. Gear, drivers and configs
Players have to bring their PC, monitor, mouse, headset, keyboard and any other hardware they might deem necessary for competing in the tournament. The PC’s should be as clean as possible.

16. Cheating
16.1 All players are forced to record in-eyes demos. No 3rd party program (e.g. Powerstrip, Rivertuner etc.) or scripts/configging (e.g. nadescripts, weapon_next, macros etc. including configs that change commands/rates. These commands range from set nade binds to gain the longest throw to scripting a superior firing rate of semi-automatic weapons. This also includes multi-command binds such as bind MOUSE2 “toggleads; +attack on scroll wheel”.) are not allowed during matches. The only 3rd party programs allowed are voice communication programs provided by Gamersject #3. Any trace of scripts found in a mp_config will be considered a violation of the rules and will be sanctioned according to 11.2.
16.2 If a player is caught cheating the entire team will be instantly banned from all Spid.si events.
16.3 Clipping/selfspeccing is not allowed. Clipping/selfspeccing is when a player can manipulate him/herself so that he or she can see over (or through) particular walls. The admins have full discretion to determine if clipping/selfspeccing was involved. Violations will be sanctioned according to 11.2.
16.4 Game exploits such as boosting and bouncing are allowed to a certain degree.
Boosting: only allowed to boost players to spots where a player can get to by themselves. Boosting by shooting own players is not allowed and will be sanctioned according to 11.2.
Bouncing: only allowed to bounce to placer which you can reach without bounces aswell. Boucing to roofs and balconies which are unreachable in a normal way is prohibited and will be sanctioned according to 11.2.
16.5 Players are allowed to edit their mp_config file in their player directory. Players are not allowed to have any other configuration files inside this directory. Any other configuration files found will be considered a violation of the rules and will be sanctioned according to 11.2.

17. Voice communication
Ventrilo 2.1.4, Mumble and TeamSpeak 3 servers will be provided by SPID.si

18. Roster
18.1 A team is allowed to have 5 players (not including staff) on their roster. The roster is locked during the entire tournament. Tournament admin can decide to make exceptions on roster changes depending on the basis of the request (e.g. a player is injured etc.).
18.2 Replacements must not occur during a match. A referee has to be notified by the team manager or captain prior to the substitution.
18.3 A player can’t participate in more than 1 (one) team during the tournament
