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EPICENTER LAN 2 bo potekal 8. in 9. februarja 2013 v Murski Soboti, kjer bo tekom dveh dni potekalo rekordno število tekmovanj, kar 11, ki bodo med drugim vključevale tudi Call of Duty: Ghosts, League of Legends, StarCraft 2, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, FIFA13, Hearthstone in druge. Kot na poprejšnjem dogodku pa videoigre ne bodo vse, kar se bo dogajalo, saj bomo organizirali prenekatero promocijo in zabavno tekmovanje, ki bodo poskrbele, da si bodo udeleženci dogodek še bolj vtisnili v spomin.

Preteklega dogodka se je udeležilo več kot 85 igralcev in 150 udeležencev, preko spleta ga je pa spremljalo nekaj tisoč gledalcev. Tako prvi, kot slednji so dogodek ovrednotili z oceno 4,5/5, kar predstavlja visok standard, a izkušnjo za vse vpletene bomo še izboljšali.

Obiščite uradno spletno stran, kjer najdete tudi več podrobnejših informacij o dogodku in se lahko tudi prijavite na tekmovanje.


Angleška verzija objave:

EPICENTER LAN 2 will take place on the 8th and 9th of February 2013 in Murska Sobota, Slovenia. Over the course of two days, a record breaking 11 different tournaments will take place, including but not limited to Call of Duty: Ghosts, League of Legends, StarCraft 2, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Dota2, Quake Live and Street Fighter XIV. As was the case at the previous event, videogame tournaments will not be the only things happening, as we will host numerous promotions and fun tournaments that will make sure that the attendees remember the event, and the sponsors.

The first event was well recieved by the gaming public, as we had over 85 players present, and more than 150 visitors, who rated the event with an average of 4.5/5. The rating presents a high standard, that we will try our best to beat with the second edition of the event.

Visit the events official website at https://epicenter2.spid.si, but do not hesitate to contact the organizers at email: [email protected].