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Test in ocena slušalk SteelSeries 4H

SteelSeries je že dolga leta eno najprepoznavnejših imen na področju gaminga, vsaj kar se tiče računalniške periferije, torej mišk, tipkovnic, slušalk in podlog. V tem videu vam predstavljamo recenzijo, review, skratka test in oceno njihovih nižjecenovnih slušalk, SteelSeries 4H.

Če povzamemo:
“Naša osebna izkušnja z njimi je bila kar se da dobra. Niso perfektne in niso neuporabne – so nekje vmes, kar se za 5 let star model slušalk tudi spodobi.”


SteelSeries has long since been one of the most recognized brand names in the gaming industry as far as gaming peripherals go.  In this video, we are showing a hands on review of their lower budgeted headset, SteelSeries 4H.

Bottom line:
“Our personal experience with them was as good as it could be. They are not perfect, and not useless – they are somewhere in between. And that is something that should be expected from a 5 year old headset model.”